Thursday, January 1, 2015

Why can't I be you?

I went to IKEA with The Teen and Fiance today. I noticed her hair is getting longer. She always complains that when it gets long, she cuts it and it takes forever to grow out again. I joked she should cut it. She said if she was going to cut it, she would get and undercut. I asked what that was and as she went on to describe it, I realized it was a style I'd had for many years of my life. I told her that and she said "So, why can't I be you?"

Which only prompted me to start singing The Cure in the middle of IKEA.

Less than amused, she told me to stop and began walking away. I took it as a challenge and looked for opportunities to make the visit more "enjoyable."

Like pointing out every time I saw something with an owl on it and calling her name over and over. Seeing a sign that said "Dansa" and singing "Dansa Queen, young and sweet only seventeen." Taking a plain place mat and moving it under a sign that said "Blanda Mat" 

It was when I took the brightly colored funnels and acted like a FemBot that she took my arm and escorted me from the store.

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