Friday, February 14, 2014

Be Mine

A while back, Fiancé and I were interviewed about our geek love life.

I thought it'd be nice if I posted the article here in honor of Valentines Day.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Mr. Hiddleston

Let's take a few minutes to reflect on how perfect Tom is.  We don't really need a reason, but we'll say it's in honour of his birthday!

In Glasses:
 (why yes, I can fit my mouth around your banana)

Teaching us about Delayed Gratification with Cookie Monster:
 (We know what's behind that smile Tom, making me Cookie, wait like that)

I wonder if he's still got Kermit on his mind:
(How many times do I have to tell you Tom?  Miss Piggy is a BITCH, don't even worry about it!  Kermit forgives!)

How ridiculous is this movie going to be?!
(Are you shitting me?  A BLOOD popsicle?!)
(OK then)